This webinar will focus on the recent legislation passed by the Texas Legislature regulating the use of indemnity contracts in the construction industry. The webinar will explore prior attempts to obtain anti-indemnity legislation and the results. It will also address existing anti-indemnity provsions that are currently in effect that address construction contracts. It will address under what circumstance indemnity provisions are prohibited and what exceptions exist to those provisions. Finally, the webinar will address the effective date of the statute and how it will impact contracts entered into prior to that date.
R. Brent Cooper
Wes Johnson
Texas MCLE:
This course has been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE in the amount of 1.0 general credit hour.
TDI CE: Provider #32551
This course has been approved by the Texas Department of Insurance in the amount of 1.0 general credit hour. Cooper & Scully, P.C. is a Texas Department of Insurance registered provider.