Wednesday, February 23, 2011
12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m. (CST)
Via Webinar
Presenters: R. Brent Cooper & Diana L. Faust
Join us on Wednesday, February 23rd for a webinar on the recent Texas Supreme Court decision in Molinet v Kimbrell. Speakers will address the background and legislative history of Chapter 74 and it's interaction with Chapter 33. They will address the arguments of the parties and amici and how the Texas Supreme Court resolved the apparent conflict between Chapter 74 and 33. Finally, the webinar will address the impact of the decision on medical malpractice cases in the future.
Texas MCLE: This course has been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE in the amount of 1.0 hours, of which 0.0 credit hours will apply to legal ethics/professional responsibility credit.
TDI CE: Provider #32551
This course has been approved from the Texas Department of Insurance in the amount of 1.0 general credit hour. Cooper & Scully, P.C. is a Texas Department of Insurance registered provider.